We are proud to be funded by the Department of Communities & Justice to provide Specialist Homelessness Services to Armidale, Uralla, Walcha and Guyra. But this funding can’t provide the type and range of services needed in our community and we rely on private and commercial donors to fill the gap.
We’re all in this together.
As little as $5 a week can make a world of difference to women and children who live with domestic violence. We stand with them.
Your donations help us effect real change in the community
Bequests are gifts that are made as part of a will or trust. Bequests can be made by any individual and set to the desired amount of your choice.
A bequest can be to a person, or it can be a charitable bequest to a non-profit organization, trust, or foundation such as the Women’s Shelter Armidale.
Whether you have $500 or a humble estate, you can make an impact by giving a gift to an organization that you care about. We would be honoured if you would consider the Women’s Shelter Armidale.
Leaving a charitable bequest in a will also means that you’re making a positive impact on the world. You’re creating something wonderful for you to be remembered by, and you can have a smile on your face knowing that your gift will be used toward a good cause.
Once consulting with those directly impacted by your will, such as loved ones and family, we strongly suggest seeking legal advice to assist with actioning and including a bequest in your will.
A legal advisor will be able to provide information and clarify any questions you may have before finalising a bequest.
The below template can be provided to your legal advisor of choice to ensure your exact wishes are fulfilled. They will explore the fine details with you and provide additional information.
I ______________ of _____ (insert name and address)
give and bequeath free of all duties and taxes payable at my death (if valid)
The sum of $_____________; or
(insert number) % of my estate; or
The residue of my estate (or [insert number] % of the residue of my estate)
to the Women’s Shelter Armidale Inc, ABN 42 093 608 312, 5/108 Beardy St Armidale, New South Wales, 2350 for the use and purposes of the said organisation. The official receipt of the organisation shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my executor and trustee.
Please reach out to us and let us know about your intention to include the Women’s Shelter Armidale in your will. By doing so, we can take the time to thank you for your generosity and explore ways in which your bequest will help our non-for-profit organisation.
Your bequest is confidential.